Electro Lymphatic Drainage

 Imagine your body has a system like a network of tiny rivers called the lymphatic system. These "rivers" are responsible for carrying away waste and toxins, just like rivers carry away debris.  Sometimes these lymphatic rivers can get a bit sluggish, and waste can start to pile up, making you feel not-so-great. Electronic lymphatic drainage is like giving those sluggish rivers a little extra push. By using a gentle electronic massage to help those lymphatic rivers flow better, clearing out the waste and making you feel refreshed and healthier. It's kind of like giving your body's cleanup crew a boost.

During an Electro Lymphatic Drainage session, a wand connected to an electronic device gently glides over specific areas of the body.  The wand emits a high frequency,  photon energy current  to help stimulate the flow of lymphatic fluid through the vessels.  This stimulation can improve circulation, reduce swelling, and promote detoxification.  As the circulatory system has the heart to act as the pump, the lymph fluid relies on muscle contractions, primarily for the back calf muscles and the breathing vibration of the thoracic duct.  So unless you are a power walker or rebounder, ELD is necessary.

The heartbeat pulse of the wand encourages the body to go into parasympathetic, where it is relaxed and open.  The rhythmic, heartbeat pulse vibration echoes our own heart core vibration creating a harmonizing of the whole being and a greater connectedness to oneself. 

60-minute session I $125

90-minute session I $150


4 or more 60-minute sessions I $100 each

4 or more 90-minute sessions I $125 each